22 People Share Their Service Industry Horror Stories
If you've never had an angry customer throw their change at you, have you really worked in the service industry?
Published 1 year ago in Funny
If you've never had an angry customer throw their change at you, have you really worked in the service industry?
Last week, Twitter @pot8um asked their followers to share their service industry horror stories and the flood of responses tells us something important about the state of the world, too many people are out of their minds.
Every waiter, barista, retail associate, and customer service representative has stories that haunt them at night. In the pale moonlight, I personally, can still hear the shrill voice of a woman screaming that I was “liar, thief, and crook” for mistakingly holding her tab so she could pay all at once after her long catch-up with a friend. Worst part? She was a well-liked regular who shouted at me every time she saw me behind the register.
Scroll down and read all the different ways innocent service workers were threatened at their jobs.